сабота, 6 декември 2008

Герила маркетинг - белешки

На 28ми ноември се одржа едукација на тема Герила маркетинг, реализирана од таткото на оваа "креативна индустрија", Jay C. Lеvinson.

Иако клучната идеја на герилата е промоција и маркетинг преку вложување на време, енергија, иновација и информации, сепак најавата на овој настан пред се подразбираше влог на финансии за изработка на ТВ спот, закуп на медумски простор, билборди и принтови во весници. Значи, [не]герила во најава на герила.

Беше една од ретките презентации каде едукацијата е заснована исклучиво на говор и на суштината на она што се говори. Значи, без PowerPoint поддшка, без слики и видеа, без графики, без визуелни ефекти. Огромна сцена, статична позадина и професионален говорник кој те тера да го гледаш во уста и да размислуваш за она што го презентира. Резултатот не може да биде измерен, бидејќи е индивидуален и различен кај секој слушател и зависи од неговата следна проактивност иницирана од оваа едукација.

Поддржувајќи ја иделогијата за споделување информации "for free" еве дел од белешките кои ги уловив на оваа едукација.

What is Guerrilla Marketing?
It is art of getting people to change their minds.

Guerrilla Vs. Traditional
Smart work Vs. Hard work
You don`t have to invest money. All you need is to invest: TIME, ENERGY, IMAGINATION and INFORMATION
Guerrilla is mostly for small businesses
Traditional Marketing = Experiences & Judgment
Guerrilla Marketing = Psychology & Conciseness

Basics of Guerrilla
Keep and maintain your focus to your main idea
Every one of your costumers is a center of network
The Power of follow up [try to do anything to reserve your costumer`s contacts and to care about regular communication with them]
Look for cooperation in your surroundings and communities. Do not look for competitions.
Traditional = talking about ME [wrong]
Guerrilla = talking about YOU [correct] – people want to listen about solutions for their problems, so we mast talk to them and about them. Not about us.
Give information for free. GIVE, not TAKE.
Marketing combinations work! [PR, online, advertising]
Count your relationships [contacts]
Be close with technology. Guerrilla needs technology.
Send messages to individuals. Try to contact each person of your target individually.

Guerrilla needs NEROCASTING instead of broadcasting. Nerocasting is focused on a certain small target.
[Why nerocasting? Because 4% of your target will buy your product. Other 4% want to be informed. 92% percent don’t care. Focus on the first 8%.]

Use MEMEs, not logos.
MEME is an interaction with signals and interaction. Typical example of a MEME is the hitch-hiking MEME that goes right to the point and always ends with result. The traffic signs are also MEMEs.
Tell the people about the values of your products, not the price.

Use public speaking – think about your topic, not the audience [иако моето искуство од јавно говорење ми вели дека темата и публиката се подеднакво важни. Имајте најдобри аргументи и најдобро истражување, но тоа нема да биде доволно доколку етички не се поставите кон публиката, доколку не и се насмеете, доколку не обезбедите интеракција за неа.]
Tell stories, people like stories.

Web in 8 steps
The success of the web can be guaranteed only if all 8 steps are implemented. Not 7 steps, not 6 steps.
• Planning [why do you need your web site]
• Content [what will you out on your web site]
• Design [each visitor stays 3-5 seconds and after that decides if he/she will stay longer. It depends of the design]
• Involvement & Interaction [sign up, contest, forum]
• Production [use free software in order not to spend money]
• Follow Up [contact your visitors]
• Promotion [both, online and offline]
• Maintenance [refresh, new, update]
Messages [sending, penetration, success]
Each message has to penetrate at least 9 times to a persons` mind to move him/her from apathy to action
1 penetration = 3 sending [2 of 3 sent messages do not hit the target]
9 penetrations = 27 sending = success

1st penetration – nothing happens
2nd penetration – nothing happens
3rd penetration – they know about you
4th penetration – they ask friends about you
5th penetration – they are following you… maybe they will buy
6th penetration – they start to think about buying
7th penetration – they are before decision to buy
8th penetration - they are before decision to buy
9th penetration – they will buy for sure… they treat you as a friend

Guerrilla Marketing Strategy in 10 steps
• Research [community, market, target]
• Write benefits list
• Choose your communication weapons [order them by priority]
• Create a marketing plan
• Make guerrilla calendar
• Fusion marketing partners
• Launch slow
• Maintain the attack
• Keep in track
• Use new knowledge [improve your attack]

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